Cutting a marble slab


The main techniques of surface finishing of marble and granite are:

Buffing and Polishing:
For polishing craftsmanship of finished products and the Marmi Pasini using polishing machine named manettone. The manettone polishing machine is the very simple structure with very small amount of production to lower quality for some materials can be high.

Together with the polishing is the processing technique used on most surfaces. It is used usually for outdoor paving because it offers both a pleasant decorative effect that a non-slip effect. This process involves a thermal shock, caused by a torch supplied with oxygen and propane, which brings out the natural color of the material and giving it a certain roughness.

It 's a technique used to give the appearance of a slab sculpted surface and therefore not just smooth, smooth. For hammering craft are used mini pneumatic chisels, accompanied by tools such bocciarde. Manual processing allows accurate finish, even on curved surfaces.

provides a sanding plate by exploiting the jet of compressed air and sand.

is a technique that is used to confer to the plate surface an aspect consumed (for this is also called antiquisation). The processing is carried out via the use of abrasive brushes applied to machines for sanding. The brushes are to have the greatest impact where the material has higher concentrations hold and then you get an uneven surface but lucid.


Marble (click to see photos)

Marble is formed through a process of transformation of sedimentary rocks such as limestone, which causes a complete recrystallization of the calcium carbonate of which they are composed mostly.
The color of marble depends on the presence of mineral impurities (clay, silt, sand, iron oxides, chert nodules), existing grains or layers within the original sedimentary rock. During the metamorphic process such impurities are moved and recrystallised because of pressure and heat.
The white marbles are the result of the metamorphosis of limestone free of impurities. The presence of "impurities" not at all indicate little value, indeed most of the time embellishes the marble, giving shades and nuances unique.

(click to see photos)

Granite is an igneous rock "intrusive", and is formed as a result of the slow cooling of magma that remained between 1.5 and 50 km deep, has a grain size ranging from medium to coarse and occasionally may present megacrysts. Following other events, the granite has surfaced on the surface. Its name comes from the Latin granum (grain), with clear reference to its crystal structure, and contains content from quartz between 20 and 60%.

(click to see photos)

Porphyry is an igneous rock "effusive" and is formed when magma rises to the surface, the temperature and the pressure drop to normal values, in these conditions all the magma crystallizes and forms crystals of large dimensions. The structure of this type of igneous rocks is formed from crystals of appreciable size immersed in a free mass of crystals visible to the naked eye.

(click to see photos)

The quartzites are a type of metamorphic rock composed mainly of clear quartz. Are formed from the dismantling and subsequent passage of metamorphic quarzoareniti. The varieties are colorless, transparent and glassy-looking are composed almost entirely of quartz. Quartz can be associated with other minerals such as mica, potassium feldspar, plagioclase, carbonates, etc. .. Derived from sedimentary rocks such as sandstone, flint.

Agglomerates of quartz-resin
(click to see photos)

Agglomerates of quartz-resin are the compounds obtained by the industrial processing of quartz grains with resins of various nature, usually polyester, and natural inorganic pigments. They come in sheets of assorted colors, natural or not, to meet all the needs of furniture in classic or modern style. They are characterized by high hardness, flexural strength, acids and low water absorption.

Agglomerates of marble-resin
(click to see photos)

The agglomerates of marble-resin are the compounds obtained by the industrial processing of fragments of marble with resins of various nature, usually polyester, and natural inorganic pigments. Occur in slabs of various colors, which in most cases recall marbles existing.

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